
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Navigating the Bare International Website

Sometimes, websites are intimidating and confusing most especially when there are so many links to click. However, the Bare International Website is very user-friendly even your grandmother can navigate it.

Here's how:

After creating an account and verifying it by clicking the link on the email that was sent to you, you need to log on by accessing the website thru

At the top right corner of the website, click on sign in.

A pop up will show asking you to choose being a client and an evaluator.  Click on Evaluator.

Another window will appear with the following url: Bookmark this on your computer so that you won't have to type it again the next time you go to this website. Key in your email address and password.

You will be directed to the Shop Log page where at the top right corner of the page, alongside the Shop Log tab, you will see the My Profile tab, My Apps tab, Job board tab and Help tab. We will tackle each tabs as we go along this post.


The top part of the page is focused on the shopper's profile. You will see a link where you can change your status if ever you don't want to be active for the meantime. You will also see links which you can click to update your profile. You can also use this page to refer some friends and to check your referred friends.

The lower part is dedicated to the shops that are assigned to you. This part is where you will see all the information important for you to complete the assignment. You will also see here your score once your survey has been reported and reviewed.


If you remember the page where you put in all your information upon signing up, this is that part. It contains all the information and the privacy policy. You just go here if there are information that you would like to update,


This is the page where you can see the status of the assignments that you have applied to. I've copied the information from the website and it is very important to follow these rules:

IMPORTANT! DO NOT perform any shop unless it has a status of 'Assigned to You!' 
This page lists applications which must be approved before the shop is assigned to you.
ALSO IMPORTANT!Go to your Shop Log to view shops assigned to you directly 
(this page only displays shops that you had to apply for)
  * Assigned to you This shop has been assigned to you - view it in your Shop Log.
  * Pending The scheduler has not assigned this shop to a evaluator yet (please do NOT ask the schedulers on the status of pending shops).
  * Closed 
   (not shown) Shops assigned to other evaluators are removed from this page.


This page is where you check and apply to available shops that need to be visited.

There's a Classic Job board link there which you can also click if you want to narrow down the shops according to the country, state or a specific zip code.


If you click this page, you will be directed to another window that will instruct you to check out the FAQs on the main Bare International website.

So there. I'm sure you will be a pro in navigating the website. It takes time, of course but don't you worry. You'll get there. *wink

All pictures are courtesy of

Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to sign up as a Mystery Shopper thru Bare International

Bare international is the first mystery shopping company that gave me my first opportunity to become a mystery shopper. Their platform is very easy to navigate. I just received my very first payment (Yeeey!) from them thru paypal. If you want to become their mystery shopper too..

Here's how:

Log on to

There will be a pop-up instructing you to choose your area. Just click on where you are located or the language you prefer.

It will direct you to the previous page but you will notice that the url has changed. Click on EVALUATOR SIGN UP.

Another tab will appear. It will instruct you again to select your preferred language.

After that, it will instruct you to enter your email address. It is very important that you enter a email that you always check because they always send updates thru email. Also, you should enter the same email you are using for paypal.

Then, you will be asked for your country.

After choosing your country, you will be directed to a page where the Evaluator Agreement is. It is imperative that you read through the agreement before you sign up to protect yourself and for the company to protect itself from any future legal issues. Everything you need to know is there.

Below the Agreement is where you can input your information. Your email address will be your log in name and you will be asked to choose a password.

You might wonder what an MSPA code is. Apparently, mystery shopping is not just a hobby. You can get certified thru the Mystery Shopping Providers Association or MSPA. You'll just have to undergo rigorous trainings like scuba diving, target shooting, combat skills, detonating a bomb.. Nah. Im just kidding. They have a certification program if you want to take mystery shopping to another level. For a fee of course. Just check out their website:

I think the MSPA certified shoppers get more jobs and have a higher pay than those who are not certified. I'm just not sure.

You will be asked for a referral code if you were referred by a mystery shopper friend. This is usually the shopper code of the mystery shopper who referred you. You will also be asked for the zip codes where you are willing to do a visit. However, there will be shops outside those zip codes that you can visit if you apply.

At the bottom of the page will be the privacy policy. You also need to read this to be better equipped with regard to the website.

If you agree to the Evaluator Agreement and the Privacy Policy, hit on Sign Me Up.

If you were not able to answer those questions with the asterisks or star sign, you will see an error message which will prompt you to key in your password again and accomplish those fields that you were not able to complete.

A page will come up saying that an introductory email was sent to your email address to confirm verify your email address. You should be able to click on the link on the email that you received from Bare International. If you were not able to receive it, check your spam or bulk mail.

On the same page, you will also be requested to fill out additional fields which would help you get chosen for the shops where you will apply.

You will also be asked about gadgets  and other technological devices that you own.

Moreover, you will also be asked about vehicles you currently have. This will determine if you are suited for those visits requiring knowledge about cars and other vehicles.

If you're that not into cars, then you can still be assigned shops depending on your hobbies, skills, the restaurants where you usually eat, the place where you always spend your leisure time etc. Just make sure that you fill out these fields:

Of course, everyone would like to be paid for the services that they've rendered so don't forget to complete the following fields:

If you're outside the USA and Canada, Bare International prefers to pay thru Paypal. Just key in your email address that you're using for paypal.

There are special considerations for mystery shoppers who are from different countries.

After accomplishing all the fields on this page, hit on Save changes. You would see a confirmation that your information has been saved. You may also want to check your email to verify the email address before completing all these fields.

Happy shopping! :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Mastering the Art of Procrastination

There's actually no art in procrastination. It's just pure, unadulterated laziness combined with complacency that stems from lack of variety or sheer boredom. Well, you're not actually completely lazy because you still get to do something more interesting to you than what you're supposed to do but putting off something more important to a later time is still laziness.

Why? Because I said so. And delaying something that you can do now. That's definitely laziness right?

Yes. I'm lazy. I'm very, very, annoyingly lazy. I'm supposed to start my fitness routine now but here I am, typing on this Jurrasicly slow laptop, thinking of the next words to say.

We are going out of town and I was really hoping for a better bod so that I could fit in my swimsuit without some very obvious bulges in the coming three weeks. Three weeks. And I'm still not panicking.

If you could picture my room, please stop. Let me do the honor. I have plates in here(Yes, I eat on the bed because I'm too lazy to eat on a table.), clothes scattered in my bed, books lying on the floor etc.

I hate myself. If I'd get a cent every time I procrastinate, I'd be a millionaire now. That's how severe I am when it comes to procrastination.

Some people seem to be always on the go. Not stopping even just to smell the flowers or catch a breath or even eat. Like there's an itch to do something whenever they're not doing anything. Sometimes, it feels good just bumming around. Let me help you.

9 Ways to Procrastinate

1. Do not take a shower early in the morning. Or at all.- Whenever I shower, I feel like doing something productive most especially when I do it early in the morning. So don't take a shower or you will be compelled to get up from your beloved bed.


2. Upon waking up, check your social media- This eats up at least an hour of my morning which could have been spent taking a bath, cooking my breakfast, going to where I should go to in an earlier time etc.


3. After checking your social media, play the games on your phone- Smart phones have resurrected our inner childhood by having apps and games that distracts our mind from focusing on more important things.


4. Do not plan your day ahead- Going with the flow of your day without prioritizing things to do will likely waste some of your precious time like buying groceries before going to the bank or doing household chores late in the day then going to somewhere important. Because surely, the traffic will get crazier later in the day and with more traffic comes more stress.

5. Drink hard or go out on the day before your appointment.- The next day, you will be hung over which will render you useless for at least half of the day which will eventually lead you to cancel the appointment.


6. Postpone any important appointments to meet up a friend.- Friendship comes first right? Anyway, gossiping is faaar more important than going to a financial literacy seminar and you can still attend it next month or the month after or after three months when the stock market already crashed. (Please don't.)

7. Watch a movie. Or two. Make it three while staying up late- Anyway, the park is just there and you can jog whenever you want to. However, there's a typhoon coming in next week so it's going to be the week or weeks after the typhoon. Or typhoons.


8. Stare at the ceiling pondering about the same things over and over again and still having the same conclusion.- Need I say more? This really takes up time before you sleep which will make you stay up late as well.

9. Do all of these everyday.

I hope that as I have helped you on your baby steps towards procrastination, it would also help me towards my fetus steps in fighting off my laziness and procrastinating.