
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How I became a Secret Agent

I used to be so engrossed with everything spy- movies, series and books. I adored Ethan Hunt, Sydney Bristow and James Bond. I somehow wished that CIA or MI6 would contact me to become one of their agents but that's impossible since I don't live on either countries where their central offices are. Sometimes, during the time when I used to daydream a lot, I'd be a secret agent on a mission to save the world from anyone who wants to wreck havoc on our tiny, little planet. May it be a dangerous organization or a terrorist or a mad scientist, I'd be the heroine of the day.

It could be the thought of being in a thrilling adventure which had drawn me to it. Or being able to do something for the greater good without sacrificing privacy even though it entails sacrificing one's life.  Or being able to adeptly speak in different languages. Or just the pure pleasure of kicking the bad guys' butt for a good reason.

And then one day, I became a secret agent.

Yes, you read it right. Well, sort of.

This is how I became a spy.

I stumbled across a forum where people were discussing about being a "Mystery Shopper". I got curious of course. Who wouldn't when the words "mystery" and "shopping" are combined, right? So I researched about it and found out that establishments are using mystery shoppers to evaluate the customer service of their employees. They are given guidelines and questionnaires which aids them in doing their assignments and in return, they will be compensated.

So what the heck, I filled out the forms and signed up. Right there and then, I became a secret agent. Or a mystery shopper. But I would really love to be called a spy or a secret agent though I don't get to save the world from evil, dangerous guys or kick someone else's butt. (Though I'm still hopeful.)

I didn't get assignments right away. It took months before they assigned me a shop and I think, they only assigned it to me because there's no one applying to that job. Anyhow, I was still elated to get my very first assignment.

It was a drugstore in the middle of nowhere. (That's why. Tsk) And nowhere means, well, a highly unfavorable, volatile area which deserves a whole, different post should I have the will power to reminisce a place you wouldn't want to see ever again in your whole life and in the next lifetimes.

So I was there, did my thing. Unfortunately, my reviews about the shop were not that good. I was actually afraid that my reviews would become the basis for the employee to get fired from her work but, hey, I was only doing my job. Nothing personal.

When I submitted my reviews, I got a perfect score. Not bad for my first assignment huh.

So far, I was assigned to three more shops: a jewelry store, a testing facility and another pharmacy store. I'm really excited to visit these shops especially the jewelry store since I'll be purchasing something that I will like and they will reimburse it! Yeah!

So there goes my spy story. I got to get to my next assignment now.

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