
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Money, money, money

"I guess there's no escaping the dreadful job for now eh?". I said to myself.

But for others, who have more guts, more glory and anything in between. You actually have other options not to go to work yet earning as much or even more than the regular 9-5-kiss-your-boss'-ass-job.

My search for a perfect job/profession/work has given me various options which will enable people to work inside the confines of their home without worrying for their travel fare or if their babies are being tortured by their yayas. Also, knowing the traffic in urban areas, it's actually a miracle if you're able to reach your workplace without the train breaking down in the middle of its tracks, being mobbed, or anything that will ruin your morning (or evening) commute.

Here are the 10 Home-based Jobs that you can try in no particular order:

1. Blogging- What a great way to start this top10! Haha. Everyone writes. Everyone reviews. It's a free country. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.  Of course you need to have a blog page but it's easy breezy. is one of those blog-publishing service where you can go to to set up your free blog domain. You can earn here if your blog has ads already and one way to have ads is to have lots of visitors and readers, that is if your blog has a lot of interesting stuff in it.

2. Freelancing- and are just two global online marketplaces where people can offer to do jobs for an employer for a fee. If you have an experience with being a Virtual assistant or a copy writer or even do silly, unimaginable things like sending a prophecy directly from God (check it out on Fiverr, i swear it's there), then this is perfect for you.

3. Online Teaching- Tired of being discriminated, cursed, shouted on, maligned, degraded etc(the list goes on) by your customers over the phone for a call center that's not allowing you to take your break even if it's already more than halfway of your shift yet can't kick the urge to speak with a twang? Then you should try helping students (Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Martian etc) learn to speak the universal language. Here, you get to be paid 100 pesos and up per hour just talking about anything under the sun. And if your lucky, you might be sent to the shooting site of your favorite Koreanovela. You can try applying here

 4.Cooking- Who doesn't love a home-cooked meal without the hassle of chopping and popping oil? You don't really have to cook like a chef. If you only know a couple of dishes and you're good at cooking them then sell your dishes just outside your home. Prepare a table outside your home, get them kaserolas and kawalis where the people can see and smell what lies inside them. Just make sure that flies are not around when you're serving or the customers will get an extra, unnecessary meat.

5. Baking- Cupcakes are the in thing nowadays and if you can make them really good then why not sell them. If you're really entrepreneurial, you can actually go to some milk tea or frappe establishments (which proliferated like mushrooms) and sell them your baking goodies. Cupcakes and biscuits go along great with tea or coffee right?

6. Multilevel Marketing/ Networking/ Direct selling- Avon, Natasha, Usana, Royale etc. All of them are offering products which you can sell wherein you will get 20-30% from the total price. You can also recruit other people to sell the products. This is the part where networking sets in. If you have many recruits, their sales will be counted as your sales so even if you don't sell the items, you already have passive income from your down line. Registration ranges from nothing to 30000 and up depending on the company and the products that you will sell. Usually the products are supplements, cosmetics, lotions, apparels,etc

7. Sari-sari store- Why walk some 5 blocks away to buy something when good, old sari-sari store is just around the corner right? From the word sari-sari, you can sell anything you want. For the kids, what's patok and tubong lugaw most especially this coming summer are the nata (1peso only), ice candy, ice pop, ice buko and anything with ice. You can also add tiny toys like pogs (those round, colorful cards), trumpo (topand other uso stuff you can get from the ever-handy Divisoria.

8. E-loading- Everyone needs to communicate and everyone has a cellphone but not everyone is on postpaid line. Majority are still on prepaid so this type of business comes in handy for people who are on a budget and mind you, the tingi- tingi customers are those whom you will get the most profit because what the e-loaders do is if you're buying load for less than 50 pesos then you will have to add 2 pesos on top and you don't have to sales talk people or do demos, just put a note outside your house and they are the ones approaching you in no time at all.

9. Online selling- You gained weight or you bought a dress which you really liked while you're still on the shop but when you got home, you realized that you don't like it anymore. Well don't fret. Those pre-loved clothes will be loved again by someone else if you sell it online. Just post it on your Facebook or Instagram account, wait for a buyer to contact you, set up an appointment, and voila! You now have an extra space on your closet for your new clothes.

10. Perfumery-  People don't have to spend so much just to smell good. For as low as 50 pesos, they can get dupes of branded colognes and perfumes by buying fragrances made at home. There are a lot of seminars being held for this type of business. Chemworld along Buendia, Makati has a wide variety of fragrances that you can choose from if you don't want to go thru the mixing and everything part. However, you can also create your own fragrances and they're also conducting training and seminars. Here's the website that you can check.

All of these and more can help you get extra cheese with a little effort and patience. Of course, you will not earn overnight and everything will be uncomfortable at first most especially if it wasn't a hobby before you start venturing into it. But the thing is, once you get the hang of it, you'll see the benefits of not following any dress codes and being your own boss. Who knows? You might be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs right? :)

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